Villa Dutoit
Genève, CH
Vous êtes ailleurs
In echo of the exposure Vous êtes ici [You are here], presented from March 2 till 25, 2018, the present show Vous êtes ailleurs [You are somewhere else] proposes works that suggest a distance, a movement or an intervening period. A space which indicates a different place than that where we are (or about which it is question) and engages a movement, which can be geographical, metaphoric, fictional or metaphysical.
With works by Anaïs Aik, Mael Madouri and Igor Denegri, Gaël Epiney, Yann Haeberlin, Laurette Le Gall, Katerina Samara et Lucie Schaeren.
Presentation of four series realised in collaboration with Audrey Guiraud, as well with Julien Burri and Marc Frochaux.
Villa Dutoit
5, ch. Gilbert-Trolliet
CH - 1211 Geneva
+41 22 733 05 75
April, 20 - May 13, 2018
Opening, Thursday, April 19, 6 pm